Nu & straksVanavondTipsSportFilms NPO 2 Extraoverzicht ›Nu & straks | Vandaag | Morgen | Overmorgen 23:457 lives of music - the Ka.. 00:45The Carnival of the Anima.. 02:20Europe Revealed 03:15Het Uur van de Wolf 04:50Back to Eurosonic Noorder.. 05:303voor12 x Popronde 05:50Sammy Davis Jr. Live in G.. 06:50Europe Revealed 07:40De Boeddhistische Blik 08:35Ludmilla - Total Verrückt 09:30Back to Eurosonic Noorder.. 10:10Back to North Sea Jazz 11:10Little Big World 11:35Maar je was er wel 12:00NPO Doc 13:002 Meter Sessies 13:25Back to Eurosonic Noorder.. 14:053voor12 x Popronde 14:25Zeroes Hits @ Pinkpop 15:20The Kaiser of Atlantis 16:35Tussen Kunst en Kitsch 17:20Tussen Kunst en Kitsch Ex.. 17:35Don Quixote 19:35Europe Revealed 20:30Heartworn Highways 21:55Blokhuis extra 23:00Willie Nelson's 90th Birt..